
Edit Canon EOS C500 Mark II 5.9K Cinema Raw Light in FCP X

Canon EOS C500 Mark II 5.9K Cinema Raw Light to FCP X Workflow

Canon EOS C500 Mark II 5.9K Cinema Raw Light to FCP X Workflow

How to edit Canon EOS C500 Mark II Cinema Raw Light files with FCP X? you are able to free download best Canon EOS C500 Mark II Cinema Raw Light converter in this article, and then you can use the best Cinema Raw Light Converter to convert Canon EOS C500 Mark II Cinema Raw Light to FCP X best format for editing, such as Apple ProRes 422, Apple ProRes 4444, etc. with the recommended software you won't have any importing or editing problems. Just follow the method to convert Canon EOS C500 Mark II Cinema Raw Light to FCP X best editing format.

The Canon EOS C500 Mark II is popular with users in the professional video shooting market. As digital imaging technology continues to advance, cameras are gradually moving toward miniaturization and lightweighting. In addition to full-frame cameras, non-changeable fixed-lens cameras are now a favorite of many photography enthusiasts as well as photographers. These machines are lighter in size while incorporating the elements of a professional machine in terms of performance, and the imaging quality is perfectly acceptable, especially with a large sensor. However, for professional video shooters, professional cameras are still in high demand. Canon, a veteran electronics company, has an important position in the camera market. The C500 Cinema camera, in particular, has won the hearts of many professional users. Now with the Cinema Raw Light format you can capture top quality videos which meet with high requirements of customers.

Canon EOS C500 Mark II to FCP X Editing Question

"Hi guys, I am looking for Canon EOS C500 Mark II 5.9K Cinema Raw Light video converter, I have tried some tools, most of them can"t do the conversion work. Concerning the image I can convert my clips from Canon EOS C500 Mark II 5.9K Cinema Raw Light to FCP X without any problems. But I did not succeed to convert the sound correctly. Could you tell me please how I can find the right adjustment. What Canon EOS C500 Mark II to FCP converter do you use?"

FCP X is a hot video editing software on Mac computer, many users choose to edit Canon EOS C500 Mark II recordings with it. Although FCP X manual says it supports the importing of a wide variety of file formats like H.264 or H.265, there are some advanced formats not supported well, such as the Canon EOS C500 Mark II 5.9K Cinema Raw Light files, apparently problems always occurred. Cinema Raw Light is a good video format for storing high quality data of Canon cameras, but it is not good for editing, if you import Canon EOS C500 Mark II Cinema Raw Light files to FCP X you will get importing and editing issue. So, is there any workaround to overcome all of the Canon EOS C500 Mark II to FCP X problems and limitation? Is there a way to edit 5.9K Cinema Raw Light files with FCP X natively?

Canon EOS C500 Mark II to FCP X Workflow

Just like the user asked above, many users don"t know what program or tool can do the Canon EOS C500 Mark II to FCP X conversion. As we talked above, you may have known that Canon EOS C500 Mark II Cinema Raw Light files are not one of the file formats that FCP X can handle well, what"s more, due to the special format, the Cinema Raw Light files are not supported by many video converters. To achieve your goal smoothly, you'd better convert Canon EOS C500 Mark II Cinema Raw Light files to FCP X friendly video formats, such as Apple ProRes 422 MOV, or Apple ProRes 4444, and then you can edit recorded videos with FCP X smoothly.

Canon EOS C500 Mark II Video Converter

We would like to recommend the best video converter for Canon EOS C500 Mark II Cinema Raw Light files, the software is called Acrok Video Converter Ultimate for Mac, it is all-in-one top video converter on the market, it can convert 8K videos, 4K UHD videos, Blu-ray discs, DVD discs and full HD videos. With Acrok Cinema Raw Light Converter, you can effortlessly encode/re-encode Canon EOS C500 Mark II 4K Cinema Raw Light footage for smoothly importing and editing in various non-linear editing systems (NLE), including FCP X, iMovie, Premiere Pro, Vegas Pro and more. Both Mac version and Windows version are available to use.

Free download Canon Cinema RAW Light Converter

Convert videos from Canon EOS C500 Mark II to FCP X


Import video files from camera

Free download Acrok Video Converter Ultimate for Mac, install the Cinema Raw Light Converter program on your computer, run the program you just installed. Drag and drop the Canon EOS C500 Mark II 5.9K Cinema Raw Light video files to the converter. You can also hit Add files button to import Canon EOS C500 Mark II videos to the app. You can add several files at one time, batch loading and converting is supported by this best Cinema Raw Light converter.

Canon EOS C500 Mark II Video Converter


Choose output format

Choose output format. Click "Format" bar and choose output format for editing raw Canon EOS C500 Mark II 4K Cinema Raw Light in FCP X with natively supported video codec. Just click and choose "Final Cut Pro -> Apple ProRes 422 (*.mov), this is native editing codec for Final Cut Pro X.

Convert Cinema Raw Light video to ProRes 422 MOV



In the Canon EOS C500 Mark II video converter, click "Settings" button if you'd like to customize advanced audio and video parameters like Video Codec, aspect ratio, bit rate, frame rate, Audio codec, sample rate, audio channels. Note: If you want to get original resolution, just keep the video size as original.


Start video conversion

Click the convert button of the best Canon EOS C500 Mark II 4K Cinema Raw Light Video Converter. It will start converting Canon EOS C500 Mark II 4K Cinema Raw Light for importing to FCP X immediately. When the conversion finished, just click "Open Folder" button to get the generated files for natively editing in FCP X, and you won't have any importing or editing programs.

Tip: Acrok Video Converter Ultimate for Mac can work for popular cameras and professional camcorders. In terms of compact cameras, Canon has a number of products, and in terms of high-performance cameras, word of mouth is very good thanks to the high picture quality. The new Canon EOS C500 Mark II still uses the most advanced sensor, and it clearly has an edge in imaging over many other machines on the market that use other sensors, and it does a decent job of shooting video. With Acrok software you can easily convert videos recorded by Canon C700, Canon C500 Mark II, Canon C300 Mark II, Canon C200, Canon C100 Mark II and more.


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Users Reviews

I like this C500 Mark II, but the FCP X can't play the 5.9 recordings smoothly. Your software give me a big favor. With this pefect conversion program, I can convert Cinema Raw Light footage to any video format on my computer.
Earnest Rawlins

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